The Anesthesiology and Reanimation Service is part of the Anesthesiology Teaching Unit of the Department of Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Valencia.
Theoretical classes, seminars and workshops are given in the general classrooms and skills room of the Faculty of Medicine; Clinical practices are given in the Anesthesiology Service of the University Clinical Hospital and Malvarrosa Hospital.
The teaching of our specialty in the Degree of Medicine is essential because it supposes:
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a) The only way for the student to have a real image of the discipline and to be able to take it into account, with full knowledge of the facts, when choosing his or her specialization.
b) The appropriate way to train students in a range of subjects that are required of them as general practitioners and that are not covered in other subjects.
c) The most appropriate way to enhance our speciality for the future doctor and society.
Currently, the teaching of the specialty in the Degree in Medicine is taught in three subjects or teaching modules and 2 Degree Practicum:
For more details on the development of the subjects in the 2017-18 Course, see the following links:
Prof. Dr. F. Javier Belda.