Teaching coordination

The tutors and coordinators are proposed by the head of service and ratified by the Medical Directorate.

At present, the organizational chart is as follows:

General Coordinator. Armando Maruenda, MD PhD.

Second General Coordinator. Rafael Badenes, MD PhD.

[image src=»https://www.anestesiaclinicovalencia.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/docencia1.jpg» align=»right» border=»1″]

Pain Area Coordinator. Carlos Tornero, MD PhD.

Reanimation Area Coordinator. Gerardo Aguilar, MD PhD.    Reanimation Area 2nd Coordinator. Carlos Ferrando, MD PhD.

Coordinator of the Quality, Safety, Research and Non-technical Skills Area. Marina Soro, MD PhD.

The Resident sessions Coordinator 1st. Andrea Gutiérrez, MD PhD. The Resident sessions Coordinator 2nd.  José A. Carbonell, MD PhD.

Functions of the tutors:

Its functions will be the general ones established by the Teaching Commission of the Hospital for the tutors of the different specialties.

They will also have the following functions:

⇒ Design and development of the specific training plan for our centre.

Supervision of the activity of the Resident Medical Intern, MIR (Spanish acronym).

Management of the annual evaluation of the MIRs.

 Organization of the rotatories in other centers.

Evaluation of MIR training requests from other centres.

Facilitate the training of tutors in teaching methodologies.

Organization of the Service’s teaching sessions

Management of the virtual library and other educational resources of the Service.